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Text & Typography

The useSx hook takes an option as the second argument, and there is styleType there.

If you set it to TextStyle, you can apply the style of TextStyle in addition to all the styles included in ViewStyle.


For TypeScript users, the TextSxProps type exists.

This is text version of SxProps. It includes all kinds of properties in SxProps and text properties.

Define theme typographies

We can set our typographies in theme from ThemedDict passing to StyledSystemProvider.

const AppTheme = {
/* ... */
typography: {
title: { fontSize: 18, textAlign: 'center', /* ... */ }

export default AppTheme;

In typography value, the supported properties are followings.

  • fontFamily
  • fontSize
  • fontWeight
  • lineHeight
  • letterSpacing
  • textAlign
  • fontStyle

Create styled Text component

We can define our new Text component like this.

import { Text, TextProps } from 'react-native';
import { TextSxProps, useSx } from '@react-native-styled-system/core';

type TxtProps = {} & TextSxProps & TextProps;
const Txt = (props: TxtProps) => {
const { getStyle, filteredProps } = useSx(props, { styleType: 'TextStyle' });
return <Text style={getStyle()} {...filteredProps} />;

export { Txt };
export type { TxtProps };

Use it!

<Box p={8} radius={'lg'}>
<Txt mt={4} t={'title'}>
React Native